Client Stories
Drs. Todd Christy and Eric Balsis
Berrien Dental
Berrien Springs, MI
Drs. Todd and Dr. Eric make a special visit to Four Quadrants for their much-awaited annual planning meeting. During this meeting, they engage in a detailed conversation about their business accomplishments from the past year and acknowledge our significant contribution to their remarkable success.
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Video Transcript
Todd Christy
When we make a decision, it's as a united front. There has not ever been anything with any, "Well, we're doing it just because he said so," or because I said so. It's not that way because we need to be strong together, and that's what gives the strength to our team to get out there and do the right job. We came in today to meet just for our annual meeting that we have with Four Quadrants, sit down with Brogan and Jason and say, "All right. How have we done this last year? What are we looking forward with it?" And one of the big things we've looked for is bringing another dentist in with us. We've been looking for an associate for over a year.
Eric Balsis
Yeah. Ears to the ground, just say, "Is there somebody that's a really top-notch opportunity?" And then this presents itself and we were like, "Yeah."
Todd Christy
Yeah, Jason and Brogan help a lot because it's a perspective. It is that 40,000-foot looking down. What do we see? What do they see? What the industry is moving. We know our local. We know our practice. We know our local area. They look at it and say, "All right. Here's where these numbers can plug in. This is where that person, those individuals, that other team, here's how they can grow and be part of your team."
Eric Balsis
They handled the whole transition. They spelled out number one, is this a good idea? Number two, here's what's going to happen when you're an associate. Here's what's going to happen when you buy in and from there on. We wouldn't have this relationship and partnership without them.
Todd Christy
We're solid dentists, we get that. The business owner side is as a tough side for dentists in every field. We don't have the expertise of looking and saying, "Here's these areas you got to cover too," that's what they do. They cover our blind spot every single time for what we may or may not. I know for myself and I know for Eric, we both learned a lot over the years working with them.
Eric Balsis
Oh, absolutely.
Todd Christy
And knowing what questions, because they've taught and mentored and said, "Don't look at this, this and this," and since we've done a couple of acquisitions, we know the questions they're going to ask. And that's where Eric fired off a couple a day, and you get the big smile from across the desk because they get it. Yep, they paid attention to us.
Eric Balsis
Today they came in and said, "Well, how do you feel about these numbers?" I trust you with all of my money, all of it. So if you say this is how much it's worth and this is a good idea, I want to do it. If you feel like it's a good idea if you feel like it's going to make me money, I know it's going to make me money, so there's no reason why we shouldn't do it. Trust factor, yeah, we trust them with everything. I would recommend Four Quadrants because they've allowed me to make and save more money than I ever thought possible in this short period of time. Is this too good to be true? No, it's not. What they say they're going to do, they do.
Todd Christy
I would recommend Four Quadrants because they take the time to teach, to learn, to grow. The financial side of it, for me, was always my weakness. They've provided a strength, so I know for my family and for me, it's been incredible. And you know what? He's right. They have provided more than I thought I could ever do. And the thing is, I'm working smarter, not harder, and the long-range plan has always been there. It's never about the short and now, it's always about long range. Where are you going to be successful? And that's what I'm always looking for.
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