Client Stories

Dr. Wes and Tina Booker

Dental Designs of Owensboro

Owensboro, KY

Wes and Tina delve into the transformative impact of Four Quadrants on not just their dental practice finances, but also on their personal financial journey.

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Video Transcript

Wes Booker

I became a dentist because I wanted to help others and build relationships with people. Dentistry was very attractive to me because I could stay in the medical field and yet still be my own boss, and kind of make my own schedule for our family. Dentistry had kind of the best fit for the lifestyle that we wanted to have. I think that's a very common feeling for all dentists coming out of school when they first start, is they know how to do the dentistry. There's no real emphasis on managing the business side. We're not trained to be accountants or trained how to properly use different investment vehicles, and that's not what I was trained to do. Those are things that you just don't learn in dental school. So having Four Quadrants give us specific attention and knowing I have someone who specializes in that while I do what I do, that's so valuable. When we first came to Four Quadrants, we had just started the practice and I was doing the payroll myself, I was doing the QuickBooks myself, I was running the practice myself, I was handling everything by myself, and there were a lot of nights I might be up til 11:00, 11:30 at night doing payroll or writing bills or doing different things of that nature. And then once we came on with Four Quadrants, then I was able to delegate some of that stuff to them. So now I get to go home and hang out with Tina and the kids and do whatever things we want to do together.

Tina Booker

By far, I'd say the best news that I heard today was we're on track to double our savings over the next two years, and five years ago, we didn't think that was going to be attainable. Four Quadrants has helped us develop a savings plan that's above and beyond where we thought we would be at this point in our life. It definitely takes the edge off of worrying about the future so that you can focus more on the day-to-day moments. It's exciting to think about that we're going to put ourselves in a position to be able to do those things.

Wes Booker

Yeah, I agree a hundred percent. I think for us, our personal life, they've helped guide us through big personal life decisions. The past seven years we've built an office. We also, we're in the process of building a house. It all ties in back to the way the office production and collections are working and how efficient we are translates to how much personal money we have so we can do those type of things. Having Four Quadrants help with banks, talk about loans and all of these different things makes it so much easier on us. Yeah, I would recommend Four Quadrants for simplification in dentistry. I mean, for me, I can't really put a price behind knowing I can just do dentistry and not be concerned with the other things. Knowing where we're going, every step of the way, everything they've said was going to happen has, and we're starting to really see the benefits now. It's very exciting.

Tina Booker

I would recommend Four Quadrants because they have definitely impacted our lives on a positive level. I can't imagine not having a group like this to work with. We know that they really want the best for us, and they're just really cool people to work with. We consider them our friends as well.

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